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> F.a.q. по Symbian 6, 7, 8., Вопросы\ответы.
сообщение 25.2.2009, 11:44
Сообщение #1


Группа: Старейшины
Сообщений: 609
Регистрация: 20.5.2008
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 569510
Смартфон: HTC One+AsusTransformerTF701T
Прошивка: Кастомные.
Оператор: MTS Red Energy
Город: Москва

Спасибо сказали: 456 раз(а)

Может кому и надо laugh.gif
Мой телефон заразился вирусом, что делать?
Удаление вируса "Carib"

Для начало обязательно установите антивирус
DeCabir и пусть на всякий случай он у вас всегда стоит!=)

Если антивирус не помог то попробуйте удалить файлы из папок:

У вас может быть либо на С диске либо на Е диске. В зависимости от того куда вы установили вирус.

А теперь об удалении вируса "Skulls"

Если вы уже заразились этим вирусом то не в коим случаи не перезагружайте телефон.

Чтобы удалить вирус, надо сначала удалить файлы Appinst.aif и AppInst.app, а потом установить антивирус F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus для Nokia 7650, 3650, 3660, N-Gage или F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus для Nokia 6600, 6670, 7610 ,6630,6260

Совет: Выключайте блютуз, и включайте по мере необходимости.

Как удалить программу Ozicom 7650 Hebrew ?

Краткая справка по программе(точнее пакета программ): Данный пакет программ предназначен для замены языка интерфейса телефона на Иврит без перепрошивки. Данный пакет написан специально для телефона 7650 и на других телефонах особенно с версиями Symbian 7 и выше работать будет некорректно или вообще не будет.

Вывод: Если вы не нуждаетесь в поддержке языка Иврит то Вам не следует его устанавливать(за ненадобностью).

Если же Вы совершили такую глупость и все таки поставили то единственный способ её удалить сделать \\"Акробатический ресет\\" можно конечно еще перепрошить.
Код 7370 не поможет ибо он блокируется данным пакетом.

Почему у меня при запуске некоторых игр, у меня плохо отображаются цвета?
Это из за того что игра рассчитана на телефон у которого 4096 цветов, значит у вас больше цветов.Или наоборот.

Вы спросите, может есть какой ни будь патч, который исправляет цвета?
НЕТ такого патча пока что нету!
Нашли один выход играть в n-gage игры, это купить сам ngage.=)

Но небольшое исключение все же есть:

для 6680/81 можно запустить игру Legasy (с аддоном), выйдя из нее получаем искажение цветов.
для 6630 можно запустить игру Capcom.Catan.v0.9., она не запустится, но мы получаем искажение цветов.
После этого:
Запускаем пограмму, которая шла с неправильными цветами, и, ВОЗМОЖНО, она у вас заработает правильно. Проверено на Asphalt Urban GT для N-Gage

Скачал n-gage игру, а там какие то папки что делать?У меня есть Data кабель.

1: Устанавливаем последнюю версию Nokia PC Suite.

2: Скачиваем N-GAGE игру с папкой System.

3: Копируем папку System из архива в корень MMC (не должно говорить заменить файлы, должно сразу копироваться).

4: После копирования должно выскочить окно "Сбой операции. Элемент не найден по телефону." - это означает что всё скопировалось ,,, ,, , жмём ОК

5: Отключаем мобилу от кабеля, заходим меню, запускаем игру.

Установил n-gage игру, а теперь не знаю как её удалить!?
Для того чтобы удалить какуенибудь n-gage игру нужен либо кард-ридер либо нужно установить файловый менеджер (Например seleq,FileMan и т.д.)
Если есть кард-ридер, то идем MMCsystemapps там находите папку с игрой и удаляете.
Если нет кард-ридера но установлен файловый менеджер – идем e:SystemAPPS там находите папку с игрой и всю её удаляете.

Название папки с игрой может быть не соответствовать её название, например игра Worms её название папки 6r39, название папки можно посмотреть на компьютере в архиве с игрой.Т.е. название папки вы можете узнать если зайдете в скаченй архив с сигрой там в папку systemapps и как там будет называться папку, ту папку и удалять.

Мне сказали что мой смартофон поддерживает максимум 256(128) мег. Это правда?
Если почитать документацию, то да это правда, но все ровно можно легко засунуть 512 мег а то и все 1гиг, но 1 гиг уже может подлагивать.
Так что берите 512 и не думаете.

Можно ли у меня сделать стерео?!
У аппаратов 3650,3660, N-gageQD,6260, 3230, 7610/6670 воспроизведение MP3 - аппаратное mono.
Известных нам способов (да и думаем неизвестных) обойти это ограничение - НЕТ! Включая различные программы и прошивки.

Аппаратное стерео есть только в: Nokia 6630,6681,6680,N90,N91,N70, N-Gage, Siemens SX1

Как ставить и удалять шрифты?
1. Вам понадобится какой-либо файловый менеджер, например fexplorer, fileman
2. Если у Вас нет папки "c:/system/fonts" создайте ее файл-менеджером
Установка - Копируем понравившийся шрифт (формата .gdr) в папку "c:/system/fonts", перегружаем смарт и у нас новый шрифт.
Удаление - Файл-менеджером переименовываем папку "c:systemfonts" (например в "c:/system/fonts_"), перегружаем смарт, заходим в нее, удаляем не понравившийся шрифт, выходим обратно, переименовываем папку, как было раньше ("c:/system/fonts"), перегружаем смарт и у нас стандартный шрифт.

"Для изменения шрифта в смартфонах N70, N90, основанных на Symbian OS 8.1a, нужно предварительно переименовать файл понравившегося шрифта в Ceurope.gdr, после чего скопировать его в папку C:SystemFonts. После перезагрузки телефона изменения вступят в силу. Для удаления шрифта нужно изменить имя папки Fonts на любое другое, перезагрузить смартфон, после чего удалить из нее шрифт, затем саму папку."

Как заставить работать пункт меню "Чат"?
Функция "Чат" позволяет общаться с другими людьми посредством ГПРС. Некий аналог ICQ, в принципе это услуга операторов, но можно ее настроить и так. Причем вы сможете перекидываться сообщениями даже с вашими друзьями в ICQ, а не только с теми,кто тоже настроил себе функцию "чат".

Всё что нужно иметь:
1) настроенный WAP/GPRS профиль мобильного интернета.


1) Идем по ссылке _http://yamigo.com и регистрируем аккаунт (укажите реальный e-mail, туда бует выслан пароль). Там же не забываем указать данные аккаунта MSN/ICQ.
2) Настраиваем телефон:
- переходим в раздел Связь- Чат
- не опеределено ни одного сервера. Определить? - Да!
- имя сервера: yamigo.com
- текущая тчк. доступа: выбираем действующий профиль мобильного интернета
- адрес интернет: _http://www.yamigo.com/wv/control
- ид. пользователя: вводим то, которое ввели при регистрации аккаунта
- пароль: который пришёл на e-mail
- проходим процесс регистрации.
- если все удачно, смотрим по ссылке _http://www.yamigo.com/wv/admin/ и ищем себя, если находим - то вас можно поздравить.


Ищем себе собеседника по душе на вышеуказанной страничке в левой колонке, Жмем "Функции-Новый чат контакт-найти на сервере-Ид. пользователя", вносим туда понравившийся ник. Дожидаемся его добавления и всё. Адресатов из ICQ добавлять как [EMAIL=icq_number@aim.net.]icq_number@aim.net.[/EMAIL] Пока писать и принимать сообщения на ICQ можно только транслитом, между ямиговцами можно кириллицей.

У меня, при записи видео, пишет, что функция не поддерживается, или глючит медиаплейер, или работает стандартный браузер или не работает быстрый/голосовой набор, что делать?
Обычно виноваты игры от n-gage, попробуйте вытащить карту памяти и включить запись видео на смарте. Если работает, то, вставляйте карту обратно и:

- посмотрите есть ли в папке файл e:/system/libs/ecom.dll. Если есть - переименуйте его, перегрузите смарт и поверьте все ли работает.
- если не работает или этого файла нет, то переименуйте папку e:systemlibs, перегрузите смарт и проверьте работоспособность
- если все равно не работает, удалите последние установленные программы, перегрузите смарт и проверяйте
- если опять не работает, то остается только отформатировать карту памяти и ставить на нее все заново, проверяя работоспособность после установки каждой программы.

Если не работает и без карты памяти:

- смотрим, что за приложения установлены в телефоне. Удаляем их.

Если совсем ничего не помогает - бэкапим контакты, форматируем смарт (*#7370#), форматируем карту памяти, желательно в кардридере, потом в смарте. Проверяем отформатированный телефон без карты памяти, если опять не помогло - только идти в сервисный центр.

Чем открыть файл zip и rar на смарте?
zip архивы открывает программа zipman, чтобы она еще открывала и rar архивы нужно поставить к ней дополнительный plugin - zipman_extension_rar. Файлы rar нужно складывать в папку "e:zipman" иначе zipman их не увидит.

Я установил какую-то программу и теперь мой телефон не включается, что делать?
При выключеном телефоне вытащите карту памяти, включите его без нее. Если смарт загрузился - вставляйте карту памяти в смарт (для смартов с горячей заменой карт памяти) и удаляйте программу диспетчером приложений. Если у вас нет горячей семны карт памяти, то при помощи кардридера удалите программу из каталого в mmc/system/apps и mmc/system/install

Если не включился без карты памяти, то поможет только "акробатический ресет"

- Если программу удалили,а телефон с картой все равно не включается (а без карты грузится) и вы уже не знаете из-за какой программы, то отформатируйте карту памяти. При этом придется расстаться со всеми установленными на ней программами. Форматировать лучше в кардридере, а потом в смарте. После этого должно загрузиться 100%.

Как поменять лого оператора и удалить установленное?

- вам понадобится программа, которая умеет ставиль лого оператора, например FExplorer, SeleQ

Вариант 1, установка при помощи FExplorera
- найдите, при помощи FExplorera, файл с лого оператора, которое вы хотите установить, поставьте кусор на него.
- нажмите Функции - File - Set as operator logo
- смарт предложит перегрузиться, соглашайтесь, после перезагрузки у вас появится новое лого оператора.

Вариант 2, установка вручную
- файл должен быть в формате bmp размером 97х25 пикселей
- переименуйте его, в соответствии с Вашим оператором:

250_1_0.bmp - МТС
250_2_0.bmp - Мегафон
250_3_0.bmp - БиЛайн

Если у вас оператор, который отличен от этих трех, его номер вы можете посмотреть программой CellTrack или Netmonitor. Переименовывайте файл в соответствии с номером своей сети и все будет работать.
В некоторых регионах и у этих, основных операторов, другие номера сетей, так что, если не заработает, посмотрите номер в программах, указанных выше.
- перекиньте FExplorer-ом файл в папку C:SystemAppsPhoneoplogo
- если не хотите ждать, перейдите в автономный режим и обратно(для 6680/81) или перегрузите смарт, если это вам не к спеху - подождите, лого само заменится при смене смартом БС или канала

Чтобы избавится от лого оператора достаточно удалить файл из папки "C:SystemAppsPhoneoplogo" или просто переименовать его. Лого исчезнет само, через некоторое время, чтобы ускорить процесс перейдите в автономный режим и обратно (для 6680/81) или перегрузите смарт.

Как извлечь файл из почты (папка входящие)?
Это можно сделать разными файлменеджерами, например fexplorer-ом

- Загружаем fexplorer, нажимаем "влево" пока не получим список дисков
- Переходим в "inbox", ищем нужный файл и делаем с ним все, что захотим.

Какие карты памяти покупать на 6630, 6680, 6681 и как их проверить при покупке?
Подойдут только RS-DV(Dual Voltage)-MMC или как их еще называют MMC-Mobile карты. На данный август (2005г.) существуют карты 128, 256, 512мб и 1Gb. Основные производители - Transcend, Kingston, NCP, ATP, Samsung, A-Data.
Проверить на совместимость новую карту в магазине можно так:
- При включенном смарте достаете свою карту, смарт пишет "извлеките карту памяти и нажмите ОК! Извлекаете, нажимаете. Вставляете новую карту, закрываете шторку. Если телефон пикает, значит все на 90% хорошо.
- Отформатируйте новую карту смартом. Если все завершилось без ошибок, значит карта на 95% совместима с телефоном.
- Сделайте фото с максимальным качеством и сохраните его на карте памяти, если все завершилось без ошибок, значит карта на 98% совместима с телефоном.
Последний способ для заядлых перестраховщиков:
- Дома заранее в память телефона запишите несколько "тяжелых" инсталляций, например офис, акробатридер, оперу 8.0
- В магазине, после первых трех проверок, переместите инсталляции ранее записанных приложений на новую карту памяти, установите их, если процесс не остановливается с ошибкой "Невозможно прочитать файл", значит все хорошо на 99%.

Я отформатировал карту памяти и все мои предустановленные программы пропали! Где можно их скачать?
Скачать можно с официального сайта Nokia. На этой страничке, выберите свою модель _http://www.europe.nokia.com/nokia/0,,96,00.html далее, в пункте Phone Software, вы найдете искомое ПО

Почему некоторые приложения не работают?
-приложения работают не все, так как написаны для разных версий Symbian и конкретное приложение может не работаь с Вашим смартом.
-у вас нехватает операивной памяти. закройте неужные программы, сожмите память программой appman, и попробуйте снова. Если не помогает, перегрузите смарт.
- если приложение работает на два экрана и в уменьшенном виде или с искажением цветов - значит оно не поддерживает то количество цветов, с которым работает Ваш смартфон.

Как отредактировать тему в формате *.sis при помощи Theme Studio?
Все делается не так, как у людей, но работает

1. Запускаете Theme studio
2. В правой колонке - вкладка Browser, выбираете нужную тему, открываете ее.
3. Меню Theme - New, задаете имя темы, components - as in theme, выбираете ту же тему, которую открывали.
4. Вкладка Gallery, смотрим на открытую ранее тему, теперь она доступна для редактирования, меню Theme - Edit
5. Редактируете
6. Пункт 10-Checkout, Continue, задаете имя темы, имя сис файла, OK

Как установить фоновую картинку на 6630/80/81 без полосок по краям?
Проблема в том, что когда устанавливается фоновая картинка из галереи, или любыми другими стандартными средствами, она резко теряет в качестве, сжимается на 2 пикселя по вертикали и горизонтали. Как быть? Выход простой: устанавливать фоновые картинки сторонними программами, они это делают корректно и почти без изменения качества. Используйте программы RescoViewer или PhotoRite.

Можно ли увеличить оперативную память телефона?
Физически добавить память в телефон невозможно, можно только очистить её от неиспользуемых в данный момент процессов.

Программа которая может в этом помочь AppMan но учтите закрытие некоторых процессов может привести к зависанию или перезагрузке телефона. К сведению использование ММС карт большого объема тоже "кушает" оперативную память. Как вариант можно использовать программу System tools запуская телефон в режиме самолета в этом случае в память не загружется приложение Телефон что может освободить более 300 кб памяти но работает она не на все телефонах. В первую очередь следует удалять процессы установленные пользователем такие как FSCaller, PWDictaphone и т.д. , поменять тему на стандартную.

С легкой руки нашего колеги Mirage-stv есть еще один способ увеличения памяти "шаманский" который правда срабатывает не всегда и не на всех телефонах. Но этот способ скорее визуально увеличивает память.

Цитата: Вычитал в инете, какой-то англичанин написал про увеличение оперативки путем добавления двух дел в "Дела", сам я в такую лабуду не верю, но проверил и удивился - памяти действительно добавилось. Что делать:

Заходим в Дела-Функции-Новое дело
Название Дела - Speed
дата - 29/01/2005
приоритет - высокий
жмем "Готово"
телефон ругнётся, что дата просрочена

опять Новое дело
Название - Qoukie
дата - 29/01/2005
приоритет - низкий
жмем "Готово", опять ругнётся

теперь наводим курсор на дело Speed (заходить не нужно, просто навести курсор), функции - Отм. "Сделано"
Так же со вторым заданием. Имеем два выполненных дела.

Перегружаемся - смотрим аппманом свободную оперативу.

Как сделать чтобы сообщения принимались на ММС а не в память?

На большей части моделей телефона есть возможность установить это в настройках

Messaging(Сообщения) Setting(Варианты) Other(Другие) Memory in use(Используемая память)

На телефонах где данная возможность отсутствует Вам поможет программа MsvDriveE

Особенно программу оценят владельцы 3230

Назначение некоторых системных папок OS Symbian v.6.1 - 8.1
C(E):/Nokia/ – папки с файлами: картинок (Images), мелодий (Sounds), видео (Videos)
C(E):/Nokia/Install - хранит инсталляционные файлы (дистрибутивы) установленных программ
C(E):/System/Apps/ - установленные приложения и их файлы
С:/cache/entrylist.hps - список интернет-адресов, которые были введены в браузере
C:/System/Apps/Phone/Oplogo/ - в эту папку можно положить файл с логотипом оператора
C:/System/Apps/VisualRadio/VRDB.DB - Настройки радио (для моделей с поддержкой этой функции)
С:/System/Bootdata – файлы, отвечающие за загрузку операционной системы (аналог boot.ini)
C:/System/Bootdata/ErrRd – логи возможных ошибок при загрузке Symbian
C:/system/Bootdata/SIMLanguage.dat – номер языкового пакета установленной SIM карты (для русского занч. 00016)
C:/System/Charconv/ - установленные кодировки (koi8r, win1251)
С:/System/Codecs/ - установленные видео-кодеки (xVid, Mp4)
C:/System/Favourites – информация об избранном (настройки меню "Актив")
С:/System/Fonts/ - папка для файлов собственных шрифтов
C:/System/Help/ - файлы справки установленных программ
C(E):/System/install/ - здесь лежит журнал и информация об установленных программах
C:/system/Install/install.log – журнал установленных программ
C:/System/Libs/ - библиотеки установленных программ
C(E):/System/Mail/ - хранит SMS, MMS сообщения и связанные с ними настройки
C(E):/System/Mail/001000000 - центры SMS
C:/System/Data/Template.n16 - шаблоны SMS
C:/System/mmcstore - код блокировки карты памяти
C:/System/Programs/ - здесь указываются приложения, которые будут загружаться при старте Symbian
C:/System/Schedules/schedules.dat – файл подкачки операционной системы
С:/System/Temp/ - каталог временных файлов
С:/System/Bacup.xml – конфигурация резервной копии
C:/system/Suiteconf.xml – файл c инф. о характеристиках телефона – дисплей, кодеки, доступные сервисы и т. д.
C(E):/System/Skins - в этой папке лежат темы
C:/System/SharedData/100058ec.ini - настройки софт-клавиш, времени до автоответа гарнитуры, автоблокировки
C:/System/data - служебные файлы ОС Symbian, необходимые для ее нормальной работы
C:/System/data/Applications.dat - настройки расположения значков в меню телефона
C:/System/data/cbs/ - файлы системных процессов реального времени
C:/System/data/midp2/ - библиотеки для Java
C:/System/data/Pprofiles/ProfileX.dat - (где X — значение от 0 до 5) профили смарта в которых указываются стандартные мелодии на звонок и сообщения. /profile1 отвечает за обычный режим, profile0 - за бесшумный
C:/System/data/applications.dat – конфигурация структуры меню телефона (расположение значков и папок)
C:/System/data/backupdb.dat и E:/Backup/Backup.arc - резервное копирование
C:/System/data/backgroundimage.mbm - фоновый рисунок
C:/System/data/bookmarks.db – ваши закладки стандартного браузера
C:/System/data/CACerts.dat – информация о сертификатах
C:/System/data/CertClients.dat – информация о сертификатах
C:/System/data/Calendar - содержит все события в календаре
C:/System/data/cdbv3.dat - настройки точек доступа
C:/System/data/CLOCKAPP.dat – часы
C:/System/data/Cookies.dat - Cookies стандартного браузера
C:/System/data/contacts.cdb – все контакты и настройки к ним (содержит все данные, миникартинки, ссылки на быстрый набор и голосовые метки)
C:/System/data/Logdbu.dat - журнал звонков
C:/System/data/mediaplayer.dat - список последних воспр. файлов в RealOne плеере
C:/System/data/MMS_setings.dat – конфигурация MMS
C:/System/data/Notepad.dat - заметки
C:/System/data/T9UDB0f.DAT - пользовательский словарь T9 (содержит добавленные слова)
C:/System/data/pinboard – данные меню "Актив"
C:/System/data/sms_settings.dat – конфигурация SMS

Если при установке большинства тем Ваш смарт требует установить Series60SkinsSupport версии 0.00, необходимо произвести следующие манипуляции.
1. Вспоминаем при установки какой темы всплывало окно о замене версии 0.00 на 7.77 или 1.11;
2. Любым файловым менеджером открываем диск, на который была установлена эта тема, далее открываем папку system/install.
3. В этой паке находим sis файл с названием той самой темы, размером обычно не больше 1kb, и удаляем его.

Ваша проблема решена! Совсем не обязательно, как советуют многие, удалять эту тему, чистить папку system/skins, или делать формат.

Рекомендуется удалить эти файлы во избежания глюков смарта (на Os8.0/8.1) из папок libs (которые находятся по пути: x:/system/libs):

Следующие файлы находятся по пути x:/system/libs/plugins/

backlightctrl.dll (удалять перед удалением либса: Tfcorefilters.dll !!)


!ВНИМАНИЕ! ЛИБСЫ Tfcorefilters.dll И backlightctrl.dll
P.S. Проверялось ТОЛЬКО на пятых (5.0609.2.0.1 и выше) прошивках т.е. на более ранних прошивках это может дать обратный эффект!

Скопипастил из главного FAQ.

2300->6021->6230i->E60->N82->N85->Desire+iTouch4->One X+TF300T->One+TF701T

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+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 19.3.2009, 20:21
Сообщение #2


Группа: Главные администраторы
Сообщений: 5309
Регистрация: 6.10.2004
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 1
Смартфон: iphone 3GS
Прошивка: 4.1
Оператор: Мегафон

Спасибо сказали: 503 раз(а)

Краткие списки игр N-gage, идущих на других смартах [symbian 6.1.|7.0|8.x]

Nokia 3650/3660

Puyo Pop
Puzzle Bobble
Nokia 6600

Игры идут:
Red Faction
Sonic N
Call of duty
Elder Scrols:Traveler
Flo Boarding
Crash Nitro Kart
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Spiderman 2
NCAA Footbal
Virtua Tennis
Super Monkey Ball
Moto GP
MLB Slam!
Puyo Pop
Puzzle Bobble
Operaton Shadow
FIFA 2005
Rayman 3
Asphalt: Urban GT

FIFA 2004 - Надо запустить UltraMp3 поставить на ”Паузу”, а потом идти играть.

Bomberman – Нужен специальный патч, который можно найти в разделе Games=>ngage=>Патчи

Requiem of hell – Нужен специальный патч, который можно найти в разделе Games=>ngage=>Патчи (игра идет отлично только звука нет )

Kng of fighters extreme – Нужен специальный патч, который можно найти в разделе Games=>ngage=>Патчи

Также идут игры, но проблемы с цветами:
Splinter Cell
Asphalt: Urban GT
Ghost Recon
Tiger Woods
Worms World
X-MEN Legends
Colin McRae rally 2005

Еще нету такого патча который бы исправил цвета в играх
Nokia 7610

Полностью идущие игры:
Sonic N
Flo Boarding
Super Monkey Ball
Moto GP
Call of duty
Elder Scrols:Traveler
MLB Slam
Puyo Pop
Spider-Man 2
Virtual Tennis
Operation Shadow
Rayman 3
Asphalt: Urban GT

Red Faction - со включенным bluetooth

Sega rally - Надо запустить UltraMp3 поставить на ”Паузу”, а потом идти играть

Ashen - Надо запустить UltraMp3 поставить на ”Паузу”, а потом идти играть

FIFA Soccer - Надо запустить UltraMp3 поставить на ”Паузу”, а потом идти играть

Bomberman – Нужен специальный патч, который можно найти в разделе Games=>ngage=>Патчи

Requiem of hell – Нужен специальный патч, который можно найти в разделе Games=>ngage=>Патчи (ига идет отлично только звука нет )

Kng of fighters extreme – Нужен специальный патч, который можно найти в разделе Games=>ngage=>Патчи
Nokia 6630/6680/6681

Нормально работающие игры:

Splinter Cell
Virtual Tennis
Red Faction
Sega Rally
MotoGp (нет звука)
Fifa 2004
Puzzle Bobble
Asphalt: Urban GT


Call of Duty - со включенным bluetooth.

Kng of fighters extreme – Нужен специальный патч.Качаем тут.

Asphalt - нужен патч. Качаем тут.
Nokia 6260

Нормально работающие игры:

Virtua tennis
Moto GP
Flo Boarding
Spiderman 2
Operation Shadow
Red Faction
Call of Duty
The Elder Scrolls Traveler: Shadowkey
Super Monkey Ball
Asphalt: Urban GT


Bomberman – Нужен специальный патч, который можно найти в разделе Games=>ngage=>Патчи

Идут игры, но проблеммы с цветами:
Asphalt GT,Colin McRae Rally 2005,Path To Glory ,Splinter Cell ,X-men Legends

Игры которые запускаються но лагют:

Kings Of Fighting - вылетает в начале боя.
Sango - зависает.
Requem Of Hell - Надо звонить куда-нибудь, тогда игра идет нормально.
Siemens SX-1

Нормально идущие игры:
Rayman 3
Tomb Raider
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Sonic N
FIFA 2004 Call of duty
Elder Scrols:Traveler
FIFA 2005
Sega Rally
MLB Slam
NCAA Football
Puyo Pop
Operation Shadow
Crash Nitro Kart
Sango Fighters
Spider Man 2
Pocket Kingdom
Kng of fighters extreme

Идут игры, но проблеммы с цветами:
Pathway to Glory Preview,Splinter Cell,The Sims Bustin' Out ,Ghost Recon,Asphalt: Urban GT ,Worms World Party ,X-MEN Legends ,Colin McRae rally 2005
Nokia N70

Все игры со стандартными либсами включенным bluetooth и с библеотекой NOKIAFC.dll:

Ashen - идет
Asphalt urban gt2 - идет
Asphault (6600,7610) - идет
Barakel - идет (c barakel_techwars_by_wl)
Bomberman - идет (с фиксом)
Call of duty - идет
Catan full - идет
Elder Scrolls - идет
Fifa 2004 - идет
Fifa 2005 - идет ( c FIFA2005_s60_by_wl)
Fifa 2006 (mod) - идет ( c FIFA2005_s60_by_wl)
FreeStyle - идет (с FreeStyle_by_wl)
Glimmeratti - идет
High seize - идет
HinterWars - идет
Mile high pinball - идет (надо удалить фаил VIBRACTRL.DLL из либсов)
MLB Slam - идет
NCAA Football 2004 - идет
Operaton Shadow - идет (с N-Gage_Libs.sis)
Pathway to Glory - идет
Pathway To Glory Ikusa Islands - идет
Pocket Kingdom Own The World - идет
Puyopop - идет
Puzzle bobble - идет
Rayman 3 - идет
Requiem of hell - идет (с фиксом)
Rifts - идет (с патчем для n70, запуск из файлменеджера)
Sango RPG - идет
Sims 3D - идет
Sonic - идет

SplinterCell (ChaosTheory) - идет (перед тем как скидывать 6R73 на флешку:

-удаляем папку Browser
-копируем след либсы в папку 6R73: gamecomms.dll, gameutils.dll,
httpdllrequest.dll, nokiafc.dll, stringpool.dll
-удаляем папку libs
-устанавливаем colorfix
-копируем 6R73 в E:/system/apps
-копируем спец либсы SC Libs в E:/system/libs (в них обязательно должен быть фаил nokiafc.dll)
-включаем блютуз
-открываем SCCT (на данный момент у нас искарёженные цвета)
-нажимаем кнопку "menu"
-заходим в фаилменеджер, через него запускаем colorfix (E:systemapps6R466R46.app)
-так же в фаилменеджере запускаем SCCT (E:systemapps6R736R73.app))

SSX Out Of Bounds - идет ( c SSX.Out.of.Bounds.FIX)

System rush - идет (c FIFA2005_s60_by_wl, запускаем игру из меню, далее, нажимаем меню,
в меню открываем colorfix, и опять же в меню ищем ярлык System rush)

THE ONE - идет (запуск из файлменеджера)
The Roots (gates of chaos) - идет (c Roots_s60_by_wl)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - идет

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Jungle Storm - идет (заходим в фаилменеджер, через него запускаем
colorfix (E:systemapps6R466R46.app)
-так же в фаилменеджере запускаем Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Jungle Storm

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - идет
Вернуться в начало страницы
+Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 23.3.2009, 17:30
Сообщение #3


Группа: Главные администраторы
Сообщений: 5309
Регистрация: 6.10.2004
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 1
Смартфон: iphone 3GS
Прошивка: 4.1
Оператор: Мегафон

Спасибо сказали: 503 раз(а)

История прошивок:


2.50 -> 3.16 (10.07.03)

Call and network management:
Call divert icon now present when ALS is in use
Network connection failure dialog "SIM registration failed" now implemented

Accept headers updated to include "application/vnd.wap.sic"
Browser terminates CSD data call successfully using "End Call" key
"Telbook" field of "mailto:" tag working correctly (email field stored under correct name rather than "No Name")
Colour dithering on GIFs modified to improve colour

Video Recorder:
Video recorder now records video + audio rather than just video

RealOne Player:
RealOne buffer underrun (static bandwidth settings) corrected. Dynamic bandwidth usage implemented

Bluetooth Hands Free Profile routing improvements for IHF -> Bluetooth situation
Call conferencing with Bluetooth Audio no longer terminates abnormally

Number of accessible SIM OPL records increased from 50 to 100
SIM operator PLMN list limit increased from 50 to 100 entries
SIM ATK REFRESH works transparently
Contacts copied from SIM -> Phone correctly (extraneous characters removed)

Previewing MMS no longer sets keypad tones to maximum level (now remain at profile setting level)
MMS size now calculated according to 3GPP specs (greater resolution)
PPH-1 Carkit audio improvement
Terminating a HSCSD data call while streaming improved
Emergency calls now working when WimSecurityDialogs present
RealOne player now localised in Chinese
Pause characters in dial string no longer mute downlink audio
Menu update failure in general settings corrected (was evident only with CSP active)
Operator list updated

3.16 -> 4.13 (29.10.03)

Call and network management
GPRS over Bluetooth more stable on long connections (>2hrs)

No longer sends UAProf twice after MIDlet-Install-Notify (part of MIDlet download)
Byte-order-mark (BOM) used to detect content encoding in browser
WTLS auto-accept anonymous connection now working fully (no longer asks user to accept connection)
Cookie handling in browser improved
Browser CSS, applied style changed from "screen" to "handheld"
WAP post now sends input text as 16bit rather than 8bit
Browser termination with "App. closed WSL_0S_Thread_1" fixed

SIM ATK control of ALS functioning correctly
CPHS CSP (Manual PLMN selection) now implemented
Voicemail flag now written to SIM record 6F11

MMS editor: attaching objects no longer causes intermittent application termination
Replacement SMS arriving while original being viewed no longer causes application termination
Class 0 SMS with voicemail waiting indication flag handled correctly
Java interactions with messaging centre when Ram is low no longer lead to abnormal application termination

Camera contrast and colour settings improved
Memory corruption on start-up fixed (caused "contact service" lockout)
MMC card no longer becomes unusable after removing password from locked card
MMC card unlock requires share common text regardless of query originator
Nokia Wallpaper images (*.nwp) can now be seen in the image gallery

4.13 -> 4.17 (22.06.04)

Call and network management:
Improvements to auto power off from idle state in certain network conditions

3.42 -> 4.09

Call and network management:
Single connection tone during MO call

GPRS/PDP Context indicator
GPRS PDP context performance improved in cell reselection

Special characters encoded in Unicode instead of ASCII
Czech special signs
SMS sending via GPRS
SMS reading form SIM card

Presentation improvements for messages sent from other vendor terminals (messages sent from e.g. GX10i, T68i, GD-87, myX-6, P900)
Forwarding MMS when using content id’s in SMIL
Improved MMS ACK response handling

SMTP AUTH over TLS/SSL feature is supported
Improvements email sent using POP3

Xhtml content is optimised with small screen
Improvements to handling Chinese contents
Increased URL maximum length
Interoperability with servers improved
Improvements in form handling
Resume browsing after received MMS
Browser input field "Go to web address" with special character
SIS file download
Options in the browser are grouped under submenus
Improvements for browser stability

Support for multiple VOPs per RTP packet
Streaming performance improvements
MA Client Provisioning:
SMTP AUTH over a TLS/SSL feature is supported
Improvements email sent using POP3

Certificated Java installation
Support midlets with Chinese characters in the JAD
Java download handling improved

SAT refresh functionality improvements
Dual-line SIM card
Enter MSTK menu after call attempt when FDN on
Voicemail spool fix
Voice commands

Improvements for IRDA connection

Arabic and Hebrew variants available
To: field default mode changed to numeric in SMS and MMS
Improvements to Phonebook entry handling
Operator menu-feature introduced
Binary compatibility break in HTTP framework removed (enables 3rd party applications (developed with SDK2.0) using HTTP via proxy to work)
User memory area (C drive) corrupting itself sometimes after format (2nd boot: "Contact retailer") fixed
The Browser Application name and Help text update in Swedish and Ukrainian languages
IMEI SV number changed to "06"

4.09 -> 5.27 (24.09.04)

User Agent added to Http Post command
URL encoding in GET JAR disabled
Java application download to MMC
DRM files visible in application manager
Improvements in java downloading through WAP
Improvements in COD and DRM downloading

Cookie load/unload case in browser UI corrected
Corrections in browser to present operator wap pages correctly
Application stability improved when starting streaming via browser
Support for php link

WBMP supported in MMS
MMS presentation improvements
MMS forward with SMIL presentation
Animated GIF
Two slide MMS with image and video clip
Jpeg support in email
RFM ringing tones added to the list of not forwardable ringing tones
SMS case in Chinese variant corrected
Interoperability improvements with PDA devices
Security improvements against hackers in SDP services
Stability with carkit connection improved

HTTP transmission optimisation

Streaming connection handling improvements

Ringtones and warning tones routed to both Bluetooth accessories and intergraded hands-free in terminal side
Ringing tone improvements when using HDB-5 and HS-3W headsets

Video Recorder default file name changed to English in Arabic and Hebrew variants
Automatic language feature support more languages
Camera help text updated in Chinese variants
Speed of opening phonebook application improved when phonebook contains lot of entries
Speed of opening calender application is improved when calender contains a lot of notes
Power consumption decreased when terminal is in screen saver mode
Power consumption decreased when bluetooth accessory connected
Ringtone loudness increased when vibra is on to the same level than when vibra is off
RMF format added to Closed Content List

5.27 -> 5.53 (27.04.05)
Java installation notification with Ericsson gateway improved
Bluetooth connection with PC Suite improved
Operator name list updated
6630 -> (10.02.05)

Incoming Calling Line Identification (CLI) shows in addition to matched name also phone number
Manual network mode selection is possible via settings. Default setting is dual mode, user may select GSM only if needed
PDP disconnect dialog is shown to user if the network cannot give an additional data context when streaming is launched from a browser page
Partial Idle screen indicates unread messages indicator
Manual network selection list has been made shorter. Only one operator name is shown in the list even if operator has both 2G and 3G networks available

Dialling to prefixed numbers (e.g. *140#number) improved
USSD session ending handling improved
Alternative Line Service (ALS) improved

Reading language information from SIM improved
SIM handling improved for large phonebook
Some changes to USAT commands Play tone and Refresh

Audio and Video:
Ringing tone behaviour improved
Streaming improved to work better with some servers
Memory handling improved when playing audio or mp4 content

Large File download behaviour improved
Handling of web sites sending incorrect content types improved

Video Call:
Interoperability improvement, Vendor ID now sent in H.324 information
Help application help texts updated
IMEISV sent to network changed to 17
Automatic access point settings updated
Manufacturing process improvement due to optimised power management software
Always online email behaviour improved -> 4.03.38 (30.06.05)

2-digit voice mailbox numbers supported (e.g. "*30"), earlier minimum was 3 or more numbers
GSM AMR voice codec supported
Behaviour improved when Call Control and FDN is activated
Operator name display functionality improved

USAT Mobile originated Short Message Control supported
USAT Send DTMF supported
Terminal now responds also to unsupported SIM ATK commands to ensure running toolkit application can continue running allthough some spesific commands would not be supported
Handling of SIM phonebook with additional numbers (ANR) improved.
Handling of long SIM ADN contacts (up to maximum 30 numbers) improved
Terminal can better handle USIM phonebooks with differing sizes of ADN blocks
Interoperability with specific RAN infrastructure improved
Phone behaviour improved when performing ISHO
Phone behaviour improved in weak field conditions when performing a blind handover from WCDMA to GSM

Audio and Video:
Wider UDP and bandwidth ranges available in phone variant SW
Streaming rate adaptation supported
Interoperability improved for some servers
Identification and playback of some streaming files identified to be 3GPP rel6 format now possible (please note that Nokia 6630 does not support all 3GPP rel6 streaming requirements)
Resuming of streaming after MT call improved
Up to 2MB DRM protected files can now be set as ringing tones
Handling of pause and play with long MP3 variable bit rate files improved
Ringing tone playback improved in low memory situations

Handling of content with multiple nested object tags improved
Handling of underlined links improved, link visibility now better for end user
Handling of saved browser pages with inconsistent HTTP content-type header and actual encoded content text type improved
Browser memory handling improved.
Decoding of HTML tag information when split between different TCP packets improved
HTTP pipelining will be set as disabled in terminal to ensure correct display of images and other content when used with specific content servers (IIS 4.0, 5.0 and Netscape-Enterprise 3)
Cookie handling on some webpages improved. ECMAScript handling changed.
Handling of white space encoding for plug-ins changed, browser no longer closes itself
Table rendering improved
Browser can be closed in memory low situations to free memory to other launching applications e.g. video call.
Wallpaper background picture handling improved

Video Call:
Receiving Chinese SMS containig more than 45 characters no longer causes shorter standby time in idle state if messaging centre is left open in background.

Video Call:
Video Telephony DTMF tones supported (UII messages)
Bluetooth headset supported during VT call
Further improvements on video call setup time implemented
Improvements in video call quality.
Some localisation texts updated

Automatic access point settings updated
PC Dialup over USB improved
Filetransfer to PC over Bluetooth improved
Bluetooth headset connection swapping between headset and mobile improved
Symbian installation trust setting for Geotrust CA for UTI used for verifying signing of midlets now set to "untrusted" instead of trusted.
Java Audio playback improved
MMS handling improved
Global GCF 3G WDCMA Certification
Temporary data removal improved in system boot-up sequence
Two digit voice-mail number supported
WCDMA RB Test Mode UE Loopback Mode improved

3.45.113 -> v 4.03.118

2-digit voice mailbox numbers supported (e.g. ”*30”), earlier minimum
was 3 or more numbers
GSM AMR voice codec supported
Behaviour improved when Call Control and FDN is activated
Operator name display functionality improved

USAT Mobile originated Short Message Control supported
USAT Send DTMF supported
Terminal now responds also to unsupported SIM ATK commands to ensure running toolkit application can continue running allthough some spesific
commands would not be supported
Handling of SIM phonebook with additional numbers (ANR) improved.
Handling of long SIM ADN contacts (up to maximum 30 numbers) improved
Terminal can better handle USIM phonebooks with differing sizes of ADN
Interoperability with specific RAN infrastructure improved
Phone behaviour improved when performing ISHO
Phone behaviour improved in weak field conditions when performing a
blind handover from WCDMA to GSM

Audio and Video
Wider UDP and bandwidth ranges available in phone variant SW
Streaming rate adaptation supported
Interoperability improved for some servers
Identification and playback of some streaming files identified to be 3GPP rel6 format now possible (please note that Nokia 6630 does not support all 3GPP rel6 streaming requirements)
Resuming of streaming after MT call improved
Up to 2MB DRM protected files can now be set as ringing tones
Handling of pause and play with long MP3 variable bit rate files improved
Ringing tone playback improved in low memory situations

Handling of content with multiple nested object tags improved
Handling of underlined links improved, link visibility now better for end user
Handling of saved browser pages with inconsistent HTTP content-type header and actual encoded content text type improved
Browser memory handling improved.
Decoding of HTML tag information when split between different TCP
packets improved
HTTP pipelining will be set as disabled in terminal to ensure correct display of images and other content when used with spesific content servers (IIS 4.0, 5.0 and Netscape-Enterprise 3)
Cookie handling on some webpages improved. ECMAScript handling changed.
Handling of white space encoding for plug-ins changed, browser no longer
closes itself
Table rendering improved

Video Call
Video Telephony DTMF tones supported (UII messages)
Bluetooth headset supported during VT call
Further improvements on video call setup time implemented

Some localisation texts updated
Automatic access point settings updated
PC Dialup over USB improved
Bluetooth headset connection swapping between headset and mobile improved
Symbian installation trust setting for Geotrust CA for UTI used for
verifying signing of midlets now set to ”untrusted” instead of trusted.
Java Audio playback improved
MMS handling improved
Global GCF 3G WDCMA Certification

4.03.38 -> 5.03.08 07.10.05

* FDN phonebook stability improvements.
* DTMF play speed corrected.
* Improvements to incoming call handling when playing games.
* CLI shown now correctly after a fax call.
* Improvements to automatic redialling.
* Correction for reset problem when receiving forwarded call from switchboard.

* When changing active code from PIN to UPIN, UPIN is asked, too.
* SAT Play tone volume increased.
* Phonebook’s thumbnail images shown when scrolling.
* Service provider name shown correctly when SPDI read from USIM.

Audio and Video
* Corrections to RV8 decoder algorithm and MP3/AAC decoder.
* Playing clips without information of number of audio channels improved.
* Streaming quality enhanced.
* Audio routing corrected for Nokia Cark112.
* Pause/resume functionality improved when using Vidiator server.

* Browser stability improvements.
* Browser behaviour improved when browsing certain pages.
* Language selection for google corrected.
* Pages with background wallpaper now shown correctly.
* WAP email PDP context drop issues solved.
* Resuming after service lost works now correctly.

* Stability improvements to IMAP mailbox.
* Mail inbox update is now working correctly.
* Extra line feeds removed from email.
* Notification added when rights object received in inbox.
* SMS sending failure for multiple addresses corrected.
* SMS proactive command interpretation improved.
* Receiving Chinese SMS containing more than 45 characters no longer causes shorter standby time.
* Chinese input added to mailbox user settings.
* Support for Unicode SMS character counter added.

Video Call
* VT call behaviour improved if audio channel is closed and reopened with different bit rate.
* Unmuting audio sending during video call is now possible.
* Overlapping in calling to video mailbox corrected.
* Video sharing stability improved.
* Video Share item added to incall option menu.
* Share video option no longer disappears from option’s menu after 3rd party MT call.
* Video call can now be established correctly with Ericsson VIG.

* THAI language supported now in Snowboard game.
* New error note added if MMC formatting fails.
* Stability improvements for FTP upload.
* Extra security code added to prevent users to play non DRM protected AAC files by renaming the file.
* Correction for USSD channel closing.
* Boot-up ensured even if there is corrupted MMC or corrupted font files in terminal.
* Access point configurator updated.
* Operator name list updated.
* Bluetooth stability with other vendor’s headsets improved.
* Default image resolution changed from Normal to High.
* SyncML client temporary data excluded in backup.
* LifeBlog account registration succeeding.
* Media gallery handles better long play list names and large images.
* Alarm clock volume adjustments.
* Validity check added before setting currency symbol.
* Dialup works now after USB PictBridge printing.
* BT deactivation behaviour with certain headsets improved.
* Folder path name length extended to max. 255 characters.
* All streaming links played correctly from .ram file that contains several streaming links.
* New error note added for out of memory situations.
* Java Install/Notify problem corrected.
* Support for multiple BT connections.
* Serial port signalling handling improved.

Прошивка 6.03.08 от 20-03-06

Changes/improvements made from MCU SW v 5.03.08 to v 6.03.08:

- FPLMN list updated on USIM.
- Axalto USIM card detection improved.
- FDN activation and deactivation with Axalto USIM card improved.
- SMS sending from Gemplus SIMATK improved.
- Audio and Video
- Unknown Hi-fi headset default volume decreased.
- RTSP Teardown now sent after streaming is stopped.
- Video player stability improved when playing invalid MP4 file.
- Browser
- Improved handling of large web pages when rendering them using ”By
quality” option.
- Handling of unescaped # character in web page improved.
- General Browser stability improved.
- Messaging
- Fixed phone freeze problem with some T9 combinations.
- General T9 robustness improved.
- Receiving problem with DRM protected MMS fixed.
- Changed the handling of <DIV> tags in order to remove unwanted
- Fix the problem of corrupted Hebrew characters in received email.
- Video Call
- Phone reset problem during video sharing initialization corrected.
- SMS and Video call alert tones both played, if received at the same
- Video Call initialization phase robustness improved.
- Handling of corrupted jpeg files improved.
- Phone reset problem with Motorola BT headsets fixed.
- General connectivity robustness improved with BT car kits.
- Bluetooth pairing interoperability improved.
- Problem to access menu with certain SIM cards corrected.
- Logs GPRS counter clearing improved in certain situations.
- Operator name list updated.
- Improvements in weak field performance.
- Phone reset with certain SIM and SMS combination corrected.
- Snooze option disappearing problem corrected.
- Removed possibility to change profiles when SIM not inserted.
- MAP service UnstructeredSSNotify functionality improved.
- Network connection failure not shown anymore after using PUK code.
- 3gp file recognition from header (extension independent recognition)
- USSD message not cleared automatically anymore after automatic
acknowledge sent to network.
- Sound quality of music track is no longer affected by camera shooting.
- Current consumption improved.
- Usage of SRES parameter improved.
- Added support for Network error code "00011010 Insufficient Resources"
in networks that doesn’t support multiple PDP context.
- GMS network selection improved in case GERAN is preferred.

2.04.15 -> 3.04.11 (26.05.05)

Keylock is now off when BHF-3 is connected.
Flash light handling with some 3rd party applications improved (AgileMessenger, Photographer, ETI camcorder Pro1.0)
Audio Accessories handling improved when muting sound, audible "snap" sounds reduced
Nokia HSU-3 is no longer supported

Connection setup improved, it is no longer necessary to switch bluetooth off and on for connection to succeed when earlier connection setup had been cancelled
Large file transfer improved with Widcomm BT stack version
Rendering performance of multipart documents improved in some cases, loading procedure of the document body contents changed
Background image setting according to XHTML/CSS length pixel parameters corrected
Displaying of PNG images with XHTML pages improved
Operator customized icon on upper left corner no longer covered by standard revolving globe animation e.g. when opening embedded links from browser

Fetching and displaying of HTML formatted email improved when using partial fetch

Improved behaviour in case network does not reply to install notify after successful installation. Time-out of 120 seconds implemented to end the installation even if no reply from server, not leaving application installer wait forever looking as jammed.
UI display improved with applications having 256k colour support

Viewing MMS using "Play presentation" and adjusting volume when scrolling is also active no longer causes SMIL player to close itself

New SMS messages can now be read properly without SIM in offline mode
Response given to network in case of device memory full when receiving SMS and not able to receive it changed to "Memory capacity exceeded" as specified in 3GPP 23.040.
When pressing navigation key left (write new SMS) immediately after phone boot-up, phone no longer resets

Playing audio-only content changed to be no longer possible in full screen
Handling of "*.sdp" -files corrected
Last rendered frame now displayed instead of occasionally shown black screen when returning back to Real Player after task switching
Changed behaviour during a voice call, streaming will go into paused state when started

Sunrise Switzerland: USSD strings with 3 digits are now supported
Numbers starting with character "*" can now be used in setting voicemailbox number in phone settings
Emergency call handling with SIM having blocked PUK corrected
Nokia ringing tone now played, if active ringing tone is set in MMC and it is removed, or phone memory is too low to play complex audio file.
Ringing tone playback & vibra activation application priority raised to ensure user notification about incoming call in case a high priority application (e.g. game) is in use.
When dialing "+"-character and quickly followed numbers, first number is no longer missed from number list

UI error note "SIM card error" now displayed correctly in case SIM phonebook initialization fails due to SIM not responding
T-Mobile UK: CPHS Voicemail waiting flag status now updated correctly to SIM
Network registration behaviour corrected after PDP context activation. Earlier there might have been a problem when there is one or more PLMNs in equivalent list in phone memory, and a list of forbidden PLMNs exists in SIM.
Workaround implemented to enable use of some SIM cards not responding correctly if attempting to access a non-existing file on the SIM card.

Video Telephony:
Phone now returns to VT UI after "call waiting" -notification disappears
Interoperability with some gateways and terminals using high frame rate improved, image quality now better
Video playback quality improved. Some image frames might have not been shown in correct sequence.
Lip synchronisation improved in VT call
Reception of VT call in low memory situation improved, time now allowed for system to close applications from background if necessary for VT call to proceed
Interoperability with RadVision video gateway improved, audio can now be heard in UL direction
Initiating a video call when having an active PS connection is now possible, PS connection will be closed followed by normal VT call setup

Ciphering/RLC problem corrected, RLC was not able to report the Security mode complete to the network under some conditions.

IMEISV sent to network changed to 10
Automatic access point settings updates:
• DNA Finland, Vinophone Vietnam: MMS settings updated
• Eurotel Slovakia information changed to reflect re-branding to T-Mobile SK
• Settings updated for Scandinavian operators
• Orange France variant: "Select network"-notification is no longer hidden by Homescreen application
Playback of files indicated as video/mp4 but having only audio improved
Backup and restore from MMC improved, restoring calendar backup might have required user to try again
Voice command handling improved with some accessories, tone before recognition is now longer and some audio noises removed
Temporary files on MMC (E:systemtemp) will be deleted on phone boot-up. If phone battery was removed during file download to MMC, this could have lead to unnecessary temporary files consuming MMC memory.
Behaviour with some corrupted wav-files improved. Playback of such file could have lead phone being jammed and requiring phone switch off.

3.04.11 -> 3.04.37 (20.07.05)

New features:
New RAM memory management scheme to improve phone behaviour in low memory situations when using multiple applications at the same time. For pre-defined applications a defined amount of RAM will be freed on start-up (Browser, Video telephony, Java, Real One Player) to ensure application start-up.
Browser cache (present in phone RAM memory) will be emptied when exiting browser

Interoperability with Sony-Ericsson BT headsets improved. Sniff-mode timer value used in phone changed from same value as used in SE headsets to prevent headsets from disconnecting

Browser now correctly identifies Simplified Chinese as accepted language in accept headers if this is selected as phone language instead of traditional Chinese
Behavior of internal rendering changed to improve performance with pages containing animated images. Identical animated image frames are no longer stored separately to reduce number of entries in cache
Previously visited links no longer become white and unvisible, if scrolling down a page with background image
Nokia Lifeblog registering improved

Problem of not being able to continue using camera application when in standby mode corrected

Alarm tone ascending volume tuned

DRM combined delivery xml parser functionality improved
Missing DRM rights now correctly shown
Content is now correctly interpreted with combined delivery file that includes a linefeed (CR+LF) inside the constraint part of the rights object improved
Notification now shown correctly when WAP Push rights object received for OMA DRM separate delivery content

Occasional problem of not showing imap4 email folders corrected

Improvement in handling of very long play-list names.

Problem in interim PR1.1 release(s) corrected. Java audio tone playback control changed, tone speed was incorrectly set and speed of playback was too fast in some cases
Java VM now returns correct language ID string for Thai instead of NULL string. SMS
Receiving SMS containing more than 45 Unicode characters no longer causes shorter standby time in idle state if messaging centre is left open in background

Recording audio during voice calls improved.

Stereo is set as the default for audio channels. This enables playing files where the number of audio channels is not specified.
Robustness of Real One Player improved to handle files where audio part is shorter than video part
Improvements when continuing the streaming after interrupted by voice call in network mode 1 conditions
Improved functionality with scene changes

(U) SIM:
FDN handling improved in some error situations
UPIN is now requested to enter when UPIN is activated instead of PIN

Play Tone command playback volume increased

Video Sharing
Uninstallation of Video Sharing application is now possible

Video Telephony
Interim problem in PR1.1 release corrected, interoperability problem with Alcatel Video Mailbox corrected
Improvement in video transmission stability
Occasional picture overlapping problem when calling to video mailbox corrected.

MO Video Telephony call setup improved in Siemens RAN, when simultaneous data transfer ongoing. "Network busy" no longer displayed

IMEISV sent to network changed to 16
Automatic access point settings updated for some operators
Operator names stored in device permanent memory updated to reflect latest status
USSD channel closing behavior changed. Now it is possible to receive a new USSD message after timer expiry for USSD connection
Functionality with some pre-pay SIM cards improved, USSD acknowledgement handling modified
User is now better informed if MMC formatting fails
Corrected the problem that very short audio clips were not played at all.
RS-MMC card access timings modified to improve handling of spesific defective RS-MMC card
Improvement to play some defected MIDI files

Новые фишки в SW v4.04.07

- When a *#0000# is entered from the keypad, phone displays the software
version and product ID in a new way.
- 7-bit/Unicode character counter support for SMS.
- Upper case letters enabled in Phonebook edit label.
- FDN - GPRS connections now allowed with *99# when added to FDN listt

v3.04.37 -> v4.04.07

- Also DRM unprotected files can be set to ringing tones (if that is
defined in the variant).

- Improvements to BT connection handling (e.g. for carkit connection
and deactivating BT device).

- Improved performance for loading big pages.
- Handling selection boxes in WAP browser improved.
- Optimised functionality if the request contains an empty If-Modified-
Since header.
- Improvements to show some links & texts correctly in certain web
- Browser multiple PDP contexts handling improved.
- Displaying Chinese text with punctuation marks improved.
- Several other browser improvements.

- Colour balance of flash improved, less yellow in pictures.

- MediaGallery MMC FAT usage improved.
- Media gallery handling of metadata in case of all kind of files
changed. ID3v2 tags are shown when user checks music file details
via media gallery.
- Handling of spesific large and progressive JPEG images improved.
- Corrupted file icon now displayed if there is not enough memory to
open image.

- Interoperability improved to handle spesific MMS’s received from
other manufacturers’ phones.
- Improved Chinese input usage when editing settings.
- Functionality improved with push email client(s), which are using also
calendar updates. Now changes to PC calendar are observed and
transferred to phone calendar.
- MMS Slideshow is correctly played when .3gp file with audio only is

- Improved performance for displaying the image, when focus is in a
contact, which has a thumbnail image

- When streaming is paused, correct method to server is sent and
streaming resumes from right place.
- Handling of RAM-files with multiple streaming links improved.
- Playback of 3gp amr wb audio with improved

- Automatic redial improved.
- Improvements regarding different telecommunication switchboards.
- Error note now displayed if call setup is unsuccessful in spesific
signalling stage.

Video Sharing
- Improvements to Video Sharing application.

Video Telephony
- Reserved amount of RAM increased for video call to improve VT Call
releasing & ending.

- Always on PDP context is not tried to be activated if Dial-up connection is
- FTP upload stability with USB cable improved.
- MMC durability improvement, Video recorder writes data to MMC in
bigger blocks, causing less unnecessary FAT accesses.
- Improved functionality with Chinese characters in MMC names.
- Functionality improved, when changing from SIM card to another.
- Improved functionality with certain SIM cards and SIM phonebook.
- IMEISV sent to network changed to 18.
- Automatic access point settings updated for some operators.
Изменения в V 5.04.07 относительно V 4.04.07

New in SW v5.04.07

New features:
AD-15 audio adapter support added.
Browser cache cleared every time when exit from browser.
Change of manual NW selection when ePLMN is used.
Better preset eq value introduced for unknown headsets.
MP3 filename length support increased to 256 characters.
Default year in startup changed from 2005 to 2006.

FPLMN list updated on USIM.
Axalto USIM card detection improved.
FDN activation and deactivation with Axalto USIM card improved.
SMS sending from Gemplus SIMATK improved.
Problem to access menu with certain SIM cards corrected.
Phone reset with certain SIM and SMS combination corrected.
SIMATK accessibility improved with some Oberthur SIM cards.
SMS sending from Gemplus SIMATK improved.

Audio and Video:
Camera tone cannot be heard in silent mode.
Video frame rate improved in Night mode.
Unknown Hi-fi headset default volume decreased.
3gp file recognition from header (extension independent recognition) improved.
Video player stability improved when playing invalid MP4 file.
Sound quality of music track is no longer affected by camera shooting.

Improved handling of large web pages when rendering them using ’By quality’ option.
Handling of unescaped # character in web page improved.
General Browser stability improved.

MMS editor handling better DRM protected audio files.
Improvement to handling video contained MMS.
Corrected icon when message store in MMC.
Mailbox capability to handle lot of POP mails improved.
New mail indications improved. No more false indications.
Improved functionality with MMS messages received via email, containing only image, from reference phone.
Fixed phone freeze problem with some T9 combinations.
General T9 behavior improved.
Receiving problem with DRM protected MMS fixed.
Changed the handling of tags in order to remove unwanted linefeeds.
Improvements to Hebrew character handling in email.
Improved SMS creation from web link having Scandinavian characters.
Delivery report timestamp functionality improved in case selected country doesn’t have full hours GMT offset.

Video Call:
SMS and Video call alert tones both played, if received at the same time.
Video Call initialization phase robustness improved.

Phone reset problem with Motorola BT headsets fixed.
BT car kit connectivity improved.
Bluetooth pairing interoperability improved.
Improvements to backup restore function with DRM protected files.
Showing ID3v2 tags when user checks music file details via media gallery improved. Content of "composer" field is shown if available and if "artist" field is empty.
Playing 3gp file with only voice on the first page has been improved.
MediaGallery accesses to MMC improved.
Handling of corrupted jpeg files improved.
RTSP Teardown now sent after streaming is stopped.
Phone reset problem during video sharing initialization corrected.
Improved functionality of making a shortcut out of converter.
Improved handling of Offline profile.
Improvement to memory handling in gallery related to DRM protected files.
Improved memory handling in DRM Rights Server and DRM Rights Database.
Operator certificate bindings updated.
Logs GPRS counter clearing improved in certain situations.
Operator name list updated.
Snooze option disappearing problem corrected.
Removed possibility to change profiles when SIM not inserted.
MAP service UnstructeredSSNotify functionality improved.
Network connection failure not shown anymore after using PUK code.
USSD message not cleared automatically anymore after automatic acknowledge sent to network.
Current consumption behavior improved in idle mode.
PDP context creation handling improved in case maximum PDP context amount reached.
Calendar tone can be set to off.
Improved vibra functionality when playing ringing tones in settings preview mode.
Radio Bearer / Functionality
Added support for Network error code "00011010 Insufficient Resources" in networks that doesn’t support multiple PDP context.
GMS network selection improved in case GERAN is preferred.
Voice and video call success rate improved.
3.10.6 -> 4.00.15 (04.07.05)

Call and network management
It is possible to edit Fixed Dialing Number from 28 digits to 40 digits
Recording during call is possible

SMS sending works after power on, when sms is created in off-line mode
Enchancements to SMS message length counter

MMS is presented correctly when received from LG phone

Extra empty lines removed when viewing an email
Dial-ups (USB & BT) works after USB PictBridge printing
Dial_up not dropped during uploading on FTP

Answering or rejecting a call possible when playing the game

Camera application closes by closing camera slide door, also when phone is locked
Camera flash LED setting is saved when application exits
AP Configurator database updated

Call creation from Phonebook / Call Log after Pre-Paid Saldo information message now possible
Changes when upgrading from firmware 3.0436.0 to 3.0448.0
Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No.SB-009/20.01.05

Call and network management
An improvement has been made to ensure successful call in PSTN originated MT terminated calls when the PSTN network uses SNS (Single Numbering Scheme) in the SETUP message

JavaScript is included in order to improve browsing

Video streaming is resumed after handling call/sms/mms call
QuickPoint is able to open PPT file
"Send as" menu item removed in QuickPoint/QuickWord

File name and file extension management in File Manager improved in Hebrew language
Search for voice mailbox numbers improved
USB connection when using PC Suite has improved
Ringing tone is played softly when volume is set to maximum and when vibrating alert is set on
Improved playback of MP3 file and long AMR clip
Audio level in stereo headset has been increased
Picture saving in Full VGA quality possible in Camcorder application
Nokia Content Copier is able to transfer both user files and settings
Editing text string in wap browser is possible when using Wireless keyboard
Backup to MMC card and restore from MMC improved
Support for .ra and .rv file extensions in RealOnePlayer
Improvements made to texts used in Push to Talk applications
Operator name list updated

Changes when upgrading from firmware 3.0515.0 to 5.0536.0
Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-016/14.11.05

The port definitions for streaming changed (the lowest UDP port is 1024 and the highest UDP port is 65535)

Sending of MMS improved

SW support for new flash memory added
Sounds can be switched off when taking pictures in silent mode
Changes when upgrading from firmware 4.0437.4 to 5.0509.0
Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No.SB-013/25.04.05

Call and network management:
Improvements to ringing tone handling in IHF when headset is connected
When switching Auto time update on, date & time are not asked
"Error in connection" -message no longer displayed when activating incoming call
Incoming call -case corrected

Improvement to GPRS PDP context activation after multiple successful connections
Improvements to GPRS attach/detach functionality

Improvements to CSD connection establishments if GPRS always online is used
Improvements to dial-up connection over USB in Win XP

Proper execution of "send USSD command"

Improvements to message counter
Improvements to SMS editor when T9 used
Improvements to T9 dictionary handling (China specific)
First character also seen when using theme 4 (China specific)
Finding Web address in message no longer stops at ","

Correct error notification displayed when inserting video to MMS
Improvements to MMS sending after resumed from GPRS suspend

DRM protected video clip cannot be inserted to email from attachments view. Error message "Unable to add invalid attachment" shown

Instant messaging:
Chat UI localization corrections
GPRS disconnection improvements when logging out from IM server
Improvements to message forwarding to IM contacts
In ServiceRequests ClientID element, if MSISDN element is present, it cannot be empty. If application doesn’t have any special ClientID it will send default value instead

Voice mail waiting indicator:
Improvements to soft notifications for the second voice mail waiting indicator

Base64 encoding in multipart/mixed rendering
WTAI - note localization improvements
Browser stability improved when refreshing saved page
Nokia Wireless keyboard (SU-8W) support added for browser input fields
Improvements for displaying Chinese characters in browser (China specific)
Disconnect improvements when browsing over CSD
WAP SI-PUSH message saving corrections
Improvements in COD downloading
Wrapping improvements in browser
Hyperlink selection corrected

Some 3gp files did not work with 7610
Improvement to streaming pause handling when streaming over GPRS nw mode1 and MT call received
Improvements for playing H263 files in Real Player
Streaming stability improvements when receiving MMS during streaming

Bluetooth stability improvements

Media gallery stability improvements during file handling

Phone freeze case with locked MMC card and alarm corrected

Memory card name localization improvements (China specific)
MMC backup stability improvements

Manual video editor:
Manual video editor stability improvements

USB cable connection/disconnection improvements

Lunar calendar removed from English help for Chinese SW
Note & Tips localization corrections (China specific)
Improvements to Login process to Kodak Mobile service
Improvements to Nokia Flashlight PD-2 and imaging applications interaction
Operator name list updated

Changes when upgrading from firmware 5.0509.0 to 6.0522.0
Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-018/09.09.05

Call and network management
Call establishment/disconnection improvements
Soft reject with SMS added as a new feature
Correction for ascending .rng ringing tones

Correction for configuration message handling
7-bit/Unicode character counter support for SMS
T9 memory size increased
Reply to SMS with MMS added as a new feature

Email attachment handling improvements

Browser stability improvements
Correction for input field entry confirmation
Correction for login process to sites which requires username and password

Improvements to streaming connection establishment from browser
UI corrections to streaming session interruption

Bluetooth device discovery improvements
Bluetooth connection time to CK-7W improved

Calendar stability improved

Application installer
Improvements to embedded SIS-file handling

Launch browser command corrected in SIM-ATK

Correction for crash when opening mp4-file from File Manager
Boot up stability improvements
File manager stability improvements
Localisations corrections
Operator name list updated
Correct response to AT+CNMI AT command
Battery life time improvements
Improvements to large image handling in gallery
Thumbnail image visibility improved in phonebook
Changes/improvements made from MCU SW 10.0.025 to version 11.0.034:
Out of Memory
- Camera buffer changes for more free RAM
- 24.7MB free RAM after boot-up (18.8MB in PR1)
- Out of Memory framework threshold changes
- Change default setting of Optical zoom for video to off
- EMKU-6QY9XV: Camera application freezes in low memory situation.
- Fixes for a few potential crash in camera application
- SMS freeze
- Uncompressed bitmap taken into use and WServ fix
- SMS sending delay, hangs fixed. (OULM-6RPDKH: GENIUS ID 44624 )
- Call crashes
- Probability reduced by having uncompressed bitmap/wserv/RAM
Operator/Region relates changes
- MHUA-6S8PQK, Does not read voice mail number from Cingular USIM
=> enable US production


Changes/improvements made
from MCU SW v11.0.034 to v20.0.058:

- CellMo baseline update
- Improvements to Auto power off, reset cases
- Gallery/Camera primary use improved
- Initialization/startup time, improved to 2 ~ 3 sec
- Shot-2-shot time, 2.17 Sec
- Optical Zoom noise reduction algorithm updated to vary according tobackground noise level.
- Stability/Reliability improvements added.
- Product mode, UI jerkiness improvements
- UI jerkiness corrections included for Camera, Gallery and RealOne player
- A few Applications fixed for mode switch errors
- Bluetooth headset IOP/Audio improvement seen in BH-900, BH-800 fixed :
- Bluetooth SAP profile errors corrected so that N616 works.

Improvements and changes to applications:

- Internet Folder added in position 9 on main menu, containing
- Web (OSS Browser) , moved Office folder in 11.0.034
- Search
- Download! (contains Catalogs)
- WLAN Wizard
- Zip manager is added to position 5 in Office folder.
- Clock is moved from top level menu to My Own folder, position 1.
- Home network application in Connectivity folder is updated to include setup wizard option to make it easier to configure UPnP.
- Access Point Configurator (APC) is replaced by Startup Settings Ver 1.

No visible change changes for end user.

- QuickOffice version is updated – allows end-users can buy a license for editors and activate them in their device if they so wish.
- Optical zoom reset by still/video capture mode switch: Zoom level is reset to 1.0x at capture mode change for smooth transition.
- Cover UI to not lit backlight as music clip change: Disabling backlight at music clip change to save battery power.
- Support for Display Headset HS-69 is added.
- Max no of Sent SMSs saved : change the maximum number of SMSs saved in "Sent" folder to 100. (for PRC variant only)
- Camera mode switching: Modes spec updated so that when changing from imaging mode to any other mode with camera still active the UI returns toidle screen rather than activate the sub-camera.
- UMTS in Network mode selection: UMTS is selectable in the UI for Networkmode selection. Tools/Settings/Network mode/ Dual, GSM, UMTS. (not inPRC variant)
- PRC Default Boot Up Language: Default UI Language at 1st boot up isSimplified Chinese (not Automatic).
- In line with July 1, 2006 , GSMA (GSM Association) mandate A5/2 cipheringis no longer supported by default.
Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 1.0610.04.04 to version 2.0618.06.05:

- Active Idle:
- Active standby mailbox settings moved from
Messaging/Options/Settings/Other to Tools/Settings/Phone/Standby
- Missing texts added to Active standby mailbox settings
- Active standby mailbox setting is now included in backup and restore
- Application installer:
- Not possible to launch some downloaded game.
- Email:
- Sound (or vibration) alert is added to Blackberry email)
- Calendar / PIM:
- Improvements to exception handling in recurring calendar notes.
- Improvements to end times handling with Calendar Memos.
- Support to RTF files added to Notepad.
- E61 keyboard support improved in Calculator for calculator Operands
for languages where supports was missing
- Contacts:
- Changing the order of <Last name> <First name> order corrected are
in Malaysia language.
- Large vCard which received by IrDA can not be saved or deleted.
- Possibility to set Unprotected 3gpp2 and wma audio files contact's
ringing tone removed
- Office tools:
- Sheet, Presentation and Documents mixed localisation improved to
English only
- Device Management:
- Beep added to DM Server connection request Notification
- Application installation improved in first connection to DM server
- Policy handling improved in first connection to DM server
- Synchronisation
- Increased robustness of recurring event synchronisation
- Synchronisation overall reliability extended
- Added support for larger data amounts
- Synchronisation fails if entering more than 2 entries in Calendar of the
handset with synchronisation setting as "None".
- Added support for synchronisation while device is locked
- Device specific suspend-resume functionality added
- Backup & restore
- Improvements to overall reliability and performance
- The backup function of PC Suite can not be used when the data folder
of the UE registered files to be full.
- DRM:
- CFM protected files do not show the correct icon in the gallery.
- No icon is displayed next to DRM FL files to indicate DRM protection.
- E61 does not support ring tone=no eCFM flag.
- RealPlayer:
- Streaming maximum bandwidth increased in EGPRS from 65.28 kbps
to 84.42 kbps and in WLAN from 268.80 kbps to 1 Mbps
- Audio:
- Audio quality improvements
- Java:
- Performance improvements.
- Ram consumption reduced.
- Canvas graphics scaling faster.
- Midlets installation and launching:
- “!” (Exclamation mark) can be handled in URL.
- Midlets installing and launching process is more stable.
- MMAPI improvements:
- TempoControl.setTempo(int) now returns correct value.
- Audio and video works more stable/smooth during real time streaming.
- Hebrew strings are not mirrored in Forms.
- Cannot run the midlet from CMCC Java server.
- SIM:
- It is no longer possible to changes line when there is no ALS support in
- Improvement in Dual IMSI SIM handling.
- Automatic and manual IMSI change with SIM ATK is supported, and
SMSC number is automatically updated to text message settings
- Improvement to SIM toolkit command "SEND USSD.
- Web Browser:
- Improvement to pull-down lists, Browser is crashed when pressing
"Select" key repeatedly during the display of pull-down list.
- Improvement to security icon functionality, There is a discrepancy on
the states of the handset upon cancelling the moving process from
http:// to https://
- Improvement to browser Tel URI support
- Services (WAP Browser):
- Improvement to receiving multiple Push messages.
- MMS:
- Improved MMS handling when active BlackBerry connection.
- Telephony:
- Improvement to always on Email connections in situations where PDA
shut off by low battery
- Home Zone indication not anymore shown during active 3G PS
- Improved context activation time in PS dialup (based on the PPP
handshaking with MS Windows)
- Improvement to sending USSD short codes after the USSD menu has
- timed-out
- Always On functionality added for H3G
Changes when upgrading from firmware 2.0530.3.5 to v 3.0535.4.3
Call and network management:
Video Sharing support now more than 1 PDP context, previously context was killed if reserved
DTMF is now enabled during video telephony also in imaging mode
Intermittent landscape mode activations and audio routing to loudspeaker should not occur any more. Access to voice mail is speeded up
UI problems when calling emergency call with rejected SIM cards and during PIN code query are solved in this software release.
Empty choices are no more displayed with ’New voice message’ on Cover UI.
Outgoing data call is not shown as video call in Cover UI any more
Automatic redialling functionality corrected
Calling from Speed dialing to not defined Voice Mailbox does not crashes the application any more
Pressing the ‘options’ when Any-Key Answer is activated does not answer the call any more
Phone icon changes now according to call state, while using Snapshot Camera during an active call.
IHF logic correction: IHF not active anymore after creating second call, loudspeaker activated during first call
S60 API DLL included for Ctelephony. This has been requested especially by application developers.
Received video calls were not shown in received call list
Opening logs application speeded up
Phonebook - Wrong icon was used in ’Address-work’ detail
Database for voice dialling ate flash memory too much
Voice dialling UI jamming corrected if synthesizer was disabled in voice command settings
Delay between SIND activation tone and ’Speak Now’ Dialog is reduced
When voice command activation is canceled the phone does not freeze any more.
Phonebook uses now SVG image instead of bitmap icon in a tab
Memory management improved, no more ’Log: Memory full. Close some applications and try again.’ Messages when calling from Logs many times.

Text input speed in long text messages improved
Messaging centre is not locked up any more when new mailbox was created and Back-key was pressed multiple times
SMS was stored in Inbox after received Class 0 SMS is closed with red ’End’ button
MMS Error Message when sending images over maximum size corrected
Icon is now shown when inserting SD protected image file with expired rights to SMIL Editor
Missing attachments in MMS with text slides corrected
Flickering in USSD editor is reduced.
Image is now visible in SMIL presentation preview
MMS can now be received during WCDMA call ongoing and SWIS settings have been set
MMS can now be received during streaming, problem in 3G when no multiple pdp contexts are not supported

Mailbox speed improved with lots of POP mails
POP3 mail messages that are not downloaded, do not disappear from phone mailbox any more.
Smart Messaging
Chat: Smiley icons are not shown correctly when inserting them into message

Cache functionality corrected when clock’s date format changed from day-month-year
Overlapping issue in en.wikipedia.org is corrected.
Browser does not attempt to contact default homepage anymore when it is started.
Options menu problem after reject ’Closing a secure connection?’ dialog is corrected
Broken layout problems when viewing images in browser are corrected.
Browser bookmark and auto bookmark highlights flickering reduced after changing to application shell and back.
XHTML-handling corrected: <div> </div> is not treated as block element when it is empty
Edit options menu can now pop up in input field after short press Edit key.
’Globe’ animated image is now shown correctly in ’bookmarks’
Certain types of wireless BMP images can now be displayed wbmp.
Unnecessary ’Web: Connection time-out’ removed.
Animated GIFs playing improved in Tile view
Browser does not attempt automatic connection anymore, works as 6680

Number of remaining photos corrected when resolution is changed
Phone does not reset any more when twisted from imaging mode to fold open mode during information note is shown.
Blank black screen in Camera mode viewfinder keyguard related defect is corrected.
Inconsistent use of flash symbols in imaging mode camera and camera mode is corrected
Improved camera mode closing time
With headset connected Video and Still capture tones are now played through both speaker and headset
Video camera does not go to standby any more after one minute when video recording is paused and resumed
Video recording track speed with night scene settings corrected
Corrected the very first sequence capture after boot if taken with flash
Image quality settings functionality in camera mode.
Video recording can now be started after new MMC inserted.
Gallery, editors and printing:
Improved camera parameters taken use, e.g. white balance improvements
In some cases video clips taken with N90 MP4 were displayed as corrupted items in previous sw. Anyhow still with imported video clips in some cases the file is shown as corrupted item even though Media Gallery can pley the video.
’Application already in use note’ and phone crash when image was edited, new picture was taken and edited ’landscape-portraitlandscape- portrait’
Solved: Opening CD protected jpg image with expired rights: information note was missing, thumbnail view opened
Flickering in media gallery is reduced.
System error (-1) is not shown any more when trying to send animated gif via email
Movie Director application usage is now allowed in landscape
Corrected: Video editor in landscape, use Browser functionality to download new sound, functionality will be cancelled.
Video Editor - Option Wipe bottom and Wipe top are changed up.
Manual video editor functionality improved.
Still image editor: Flickering reduced when cropping an image.
Still Image Editor is not closed without saving the edited image when ending a call.
Performance improved when closing camera in camera mode.
Performance improved when Opening Media Gallery application
Image print application was closed when pressing selection key when no images in gallery
Help texts remain now in landscape when the device goes to idle in imaging mode.
Media gallery does not crash any more when pushing quickly joystick while gallery generate thumbnails of videos for the first time.

Video Editor activation from Landscape Media Gallery
Playback functionality improved in cut video clip
Inserted image date corrected
Video Editor crash when Cancel is pressed during MP4 processing for MMS is corrected
Reboot/Media gallery crash corrected.
Gallery visibility improvement, now it is possible to distinguish between the Video and Picture download because URLs naming changed.
Real One Player and streaming
Music Player is now using the colours defined in active skin
N90 is not any more able to play the Audio content [Codec:AAC] which is not encrypted by OMA DRM Separate Delivery and the Video content with audio, as a result of sounding of the ring alert, by renaming the file.
Listening MP3 via headset and incoming SMS -> MP3 is not played via IHF during message receiving tone is played.
Following streaming improvements has been implemented:

Twist to landscape while streaming crashed ROP and Browser
Streaming is replayed if resumed when all data in buffer
RTSP Teardown not sent from the handset if Pause/Resume is issued too close to the end of a Vidiator stream clip
Text color of ticker was not correct
DRM - JAVA files were not supported
Opening of PopUpChoiceGroup crashed the midlet
Java installationdid not work correctly in all circumstances
Any java app that access the browser gets stuck
Compatibility problems concerning some PsiNT applications are corrected.
Corrected the icon shown if DRM protected application did not have DRM rights
Application Installer don’t jam any more if purchase of SD SIS file’s rights is cancelled

When BT was turned off, HSP and HFP were not unregistered in previous sw
Bluetooth audio improvements:

Ringtone was not played correctly when using CK-1W carkit
Jabra BT200 BT Handsfree cannot activate voice dialing
Automatic answer does not work with BHF-3
Multipoint connection created from/to phone fails with Audi carkit
Data Transfer fucnctionality is improved:
Only Contacts and Calendar data were copied at first attempt.
Bluescreens when using Data transfer application
Many improvements in localisation has been implemented
Imaging and office folder icons corrected to Hebrew language package
’Phone locked’ icon available
Icons visuality has been improved when applications are selected in active idle.
A lot of SVG icon optimizations have been implemented
’No charging’ tone and charging notification corrected when calling MO call
Application logo disappearing from application shell has been corrected
Back light is now working when opening fold after screen saver preview
Operator info changes
Autolock icon position in display corrected
Intermittent landscape mode activations and audio routing to loudspeaker should not occur any more.
Phone does not stuck any more when unformatted MMC Card has been put to N90
Clock keeps on running when battery removed
Cover display backlight adjustment corrected

SIM ATK: Self explanatory Set up idle mode text with icon did not work correctly
SIM ATK: Maximum length string is now supported in SIM ATK command Get Input
Application manager problem corrected: Wrong icon is shown if DRM protected application doesn’t have DRM rights
CBSServer and phone crash on CB reception is corrected.
Flicker problem in to-do application is corrected.
Ringing tone was lost when MMC with active ringing tone was removed
Cover display brightness settings improved.
Cover UI crash whilst screen saver running is corrected.
Pressing end key while opening Personalisation don’t cause KERNEXEC- 3 any more.
Default settings for MMS in Vanilla SW corrected for EMEA region.
Autolock icon position in the screen corrected.
Power menu ok/cancel selection don’t cause hanging any more.
Skin functionality is improved:

Clock - skin handling improvement
Themes - Preview of a theme showed large white space instead of the actual background
Converter uses now text colors defined in active skin
Display is now updated correctly in Converter application
Vcard over BT view in the inbox is not skinned and white bars visible
Dial-up functionality with always-on PDP context improved
Operator names on display corrected.
The phone does not read SPDI field in Telstra USIM card
Wrong Operator name shown
Cell info is not displayed on cover display.
USSD timer implementation to solve following problem: Error handling MAP Unstructered SSNotify message.
Changes when upgrading from firmware 3.0535.4.3 to 3.0545.5.1

Changes when upgrading from firmware 3.0545.5.1 to 5.0607.7.3
Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-023/21.03.06

Access point configurator improved
Operator name display logic improved and operator info updated
Hungarian language added to Russian (v05) language package
Out of Memory management optimization

Call and network management:
Emergency numbers harmonizedwith Nokia N70 emergency number definitions
Conference call functionality improved (adding calls and swapping)
Phone number grouping added to language variants
Right soft key is now used for initiating a video call when number is entered manually
Call bubble handling improved for call waiting, call timer and CLIP

Messaging and SMS:
User interface for Instant Messaging improved

BMP files OMA Download improved
Fonts improved in the Browser
Downloading big MP3 file improved
MIDlet download with certain MIME types improved
"Find web address" functionality improved

Image handling with Kodak kiosk improved
Autofocus focus indication functionality improved
Arabic lay-out improvements
Activation time for camera shortened
Camera help start-up time shortened
Saving of images improved in camera mode

Gallery, editors and printing:
JPEG decoding improved
Thumbnails in Gallery for image taken with sequence mode improved
Video editor performance improved
3gp file recognition from header improved

Real One Player and streaming:
AAC file playing improved
Handling of different DRM content types improved
Video playback improved
New audio parameters for HiFi headsets
eAAC+ files playing improved
Midi Audio Clip playing improved

SIM cards and SIM Access toolkit:
SIM ATK functionality improved
SMS and e-mail sending improvement via SIM ATK
Deactivation of FDN enabled when using USIM

Application installer and Java:
DRM protected (Separate delivery) java files downloading improvements

Bluetooth Interoperability improved
Functionality improved when connecting to headset canceled
Audio improvements for video call

Personal information management:
Audio recorder UI improved
Name dialing: Training of user-edited voice commands is improved
Fixed Dialing Number length increased up to 40 digits
Forward Locked audio & video playing enabled after restoring the backup from MMC

Functionality improved when copying contacts to SIM card.
Receiving a contact via Bluetooth improved
Progress bars for synchronization improved
Notepad can now open text files larger than 150 KB
Functionality using protected audio files as ring tones improved
UI improvements when scaling different sizes of images to wallpaper and default theme is in use
Startup tone is no more played when powering up in meeting mode
Functionality with PDP context activation in 3G improved - USSD user note improved
Changes/improvements made MCU SW v 3.0614.0.3 to v 3.0617.0.6
Memory optimization has been done to increase available RAM by about 2MB
Video sharing is now supported in landscape mode

Improved the volume for text-to-speech conversion
AD-15 performance improved

Improvements to Anniversary, To-Do and calendar entries
Improvements in Fixed dialing number (FDN) handling
Improvements to FM Radio Auto tuning

Improved handling of Image transfer to Macs over Bluetooth

Improvements to Video Adaptation Video Encoder and playback
Camera key is no longer active if device locked
Improvements to Camera rotation when used by 3rd party applications
Camera shutter sound is now played during voice call

Improved PDP context activation time for PC dial up

Bookmarks can now be separated for WEB and Services applications

Flash files (SWF) appear in Gallery and are now launched in FlashPlayer
Improvements to media gallery opening from camera application

HomeZone indication does not disappear during PDP context active
HomeZone indication is displayed when GPRS is active and cell changes.

EONS/Wrong operators names shown on the display
Correctly shows network name
EONS name scrolling stops when keys are locked
Softkeys are missing in idle state
Idle screen not always restored

Localised Greek - Media Gallery - Grammatical mistake in Transfer complete Transferred %N item to %U

Mail settings
Mail settings can now be used from MMC

Improvements to retrieving an email when there’s no network coverage

Improvements to Video Clip handling in MMS
Pre-created mms messages can now be loaded

Music Player
Music player handling when video open in background
Network settings menu
GSM network settings menu, missing menu entry
Real Player
ROP stays in Loading status sometimes for live streaming
Incoming Video Call improved handling

Application Manager: Application loses list of installed applications
No post after user cancel JAR download

SAT UI in file twice so set up idle mode text shown twice
Phone is not issuing Event Downloads to the UICC in 3G
Wrong behaviour when saving contact with long second number

Updated motion theme
SVG files containing PNG images are rendered incorrectly

USSD command ’*121*0#’ cannot be processed with USIM

Esock IP crash when cancel pressed after search for WLAN

Video Call
Video call improvements
Right soft key function changes to “video call” when entering number in idle to allow fast selection of Video Call.

Changes/improvements made
MCU SW v 3.0617.0.6 to v 4.0623.0.41 26-07-2006

* Backup cannot read midlet when midlet is running before backup starts
* Contacts database is in use if client remains open duringbackup/restore
* Java midlet data is not restored
* Panics if java hash information was not parsed successfully
* SIS files are not restored after backup/restore
* Midlets installed to drive other than (C not backed up or restored
* Package data file restoration problem when directory doesn't alreadyexist
* Backup/Restore failed to restore assigned Speed Dial numbers
* Improvements to stability of long term connections
* Switching on BT On >off> on can cause phone menu to lock up and disappear
* Browser memory usage reduction when browsing many sites
* WAP Push correction for CSL
* Remove anti-aliasing for Chinese fonts
* www.kauppalehti.fi login causes connection timed out
* Stop browser loading images when memory low
* Meeting end date does not span correctly if user changes device timezone to greater than current value
* Received recurring vCal entry is not saved to calendar
* Calendar alarm time imported incorrectly from S40 device
* Calendar editor erases subject field if you edit a full subject field
* Calendar crashes when changing repeat rule on an entry
* The anniversary alarm never goes off
* 100 consecutive alarms does not alert
* Due date and start date are mixed in ToDo items > ToDo alarm can not be stopped
* Calendar Options>Delete entry>All entries fails to delete exceptions to recurring meetings.
* Change in time zone results in incorrect alarm date.
* System error and product freezes with certain Calendar note
* Lunar Calendar information is not available for dates before 1980
* Last instance of repeating meeting is lost, if repeating meeting is modified in Outlook
* Unable to dismiss calendar alarm
* Repeating calendar entries
* Manual network selection freezes the phone if there is active PDP context
* Display wrong operator name "1" in Manual Selection list
* Bitmap corruption in thumbnails
* Camera localisation error fix (Localised Slovak) Camera: Wrong grammar form of Automatic used in Scene Set-up
* Backslash character not properly handled when contact is copied to memory card
* Call Back Access Point does not call back
* Rare Stability problems in TCP/IP
Device Manager
* Display FOTA help for FOTA enabled variants
* Certain animated Gif files do not play when opened from Images and Videos folder
* Screen becomes black for a second right after playing video file saved in memory card
* Wrong Presentation icon is shown in the Gallery.
* BT Image Print Phone is stuck at Cancelling screen
* PictBridge/HP475 Phone hangs at cancelling screen after cancelling a pictbridge print job on HP475 printer
* Video file is not played if opening from File Manager while another is paused on the background.
* DRM image can't be zoomed in if the last right is in use.
* The display position of AnimatedGIF file is incorrect.
* New Camera Images do not appear in Gallery if Gallery is open
* The Animated GIF file, which has copyright protection of valid Consumable Rights(count=5) can be played more than 5 times.
* 3gp playback incorrect when there are many images on memory card
* No help topics available in Music Settings View.
* Issues with recognizing new mimetypes
* Localisation
* Fallback when help directory is empty
* Memory Card
* Improve FAT mount performance by increasing FAT cache granularity
* Particular 256MB MiniSD card gives "Windows was unable to complete the format" when formatting under WinXP.
* Memory card unlocking does not work if no card inserted while phone booted
* Fix for memory card missing on soft reset
* Forwarded attachments visible as unsupported files in attachments view
* Envelope icon doesn't stop blinking until phone is rebooted
* E-mail : It takes too long to attach contacts via e-mail.
* Message stays in outbox (until rebooted) after cancelling infrared transmission
* Fixes MMS postcard image import size issue
* Obex crash with corrupted obex header
* Extra space at end of word when typing '/' character
* Can't receive message when using China Unicon dual mode card
* Add any file type to email attachment options
* Incorrect number is shown in note when fetching emails
* IMAP: Crash after trying to retrieve an email when there's no network coverage
* Message Viewer takes 39 seconds to display long unicode message
* Link Highlight in automatic find does not wrap to next line in mixed URL/number
* Data cannot be shown and deleted when save a large vCard which received by IrDA.
* Progressive JPEG codec doesn't compress heap after decoding
Music Player
* Music player will be terminated forcefully at the time of selecting searched data when the [Mark all] selected in track list creation.
* Sending many UDP packets results in not all packets reaching the recipient.
Real Player
* Large chunk video break up
* Unresponsive RealPlayer after streaming
* No post after user cancel JAR download
* Exes are launched by Installer App before EULA is accepted
* Installer crashes when uninstalling software
* App. installed in other phone to memory card, shortcut to it is shown in test phone
* Reset loop with certain (filesystem partly corrupted) MiniSD card
* Application Manager: Application loses list of installed applications
* Session ID in server notification (package #0) is not taken into use by DM client
* Synchronisation fails if entering more than 2 entries in Calendar of the handset with synchronisation setting as "None"
* Unknown authorisation request causes media server crash.
* UPnP Apps Menu path in message for creating WLAN access points is incorrect localisation of path for all languages.
* Middle ok button does not work in result window
* Copying files with ‘&’ character in
* Home Network, fix for Music playlist sharing selections not working
* Mass Storage failure. Bulk Transport handles case badly
* USB mass storage class doesn't detach from Apple MAC/Tiger
Video Telephony
* UE carried no sound or image after the following procedure UE became out-of-coverage during VT communication. Then it originated
* VT after the VT disconnection.
* The following changes were also included in SW release 3.0618.0.1 which was only available in some markets.
* DTMF tones now allowed for emergency call created with locked phone
* RealPlayer updated – Improved handling for large chunk video break up
* RealPlayer updated – Improvements to unresponsive RealPlayer after streaming
* Settings wizard updated to week 16 release for Taiwan country Settings
* Correction to SAT polling reponse
* Accessories
* Connecting doesn't succeed after disconnecting N616 car kit and from 3G to 2G
* AD15 in Music Player mode has poor sound quality (until volume changed)


Changes/improvements made
MCU SW v 4.0623.0.41 to v 4.0623.0.42


- Camera forward compatibility fix for FOTA update
- Sync agent forward compatibility fix for FOTA update


- SMS sending delay


- Correction for miss-read of ASIC version causing pink display


Changes/improvements made MCU SW v 4.0623.0.41 to v 4.0632.0.38:

- Additional applications (market dependent)
- Adobe PDF reader (Already in N80 standard)
- QuickOffice (Already in N80 standard)
- Lifeblog (Already in N80 standard)
- Kodak (Already in N80 standard)
- Search (Already in N80 standard)
- Catalogs (Replaced with Download!)
- Anti-Virus (Already in N80 standard but moved to Download! server)
- Download! (New for Internet Edition)
- Internet Telephone (New for Internet Edition)
- Yahoo GO! (New for Internet Edition)
- Additional Services
- Online Album (market dependent)
- Menu structure
- New ”internet” folder created and the following applications are
moved/added to ”Internet” folder.
- Internet Telephone
- Download!
- Search
- New Support
- HS-69 enhancement is now supported
- Important changes in Video Sharing
- The addition of SIP VoIP means some changes in the SIP
provisioning. The following provisioning information is needed in the
OTA message otherwise Video sharing will not work:

- Important information when using Backup and restore when moving to the
new Software.
- When restoring a backup image from a previous release of software
the ‘Internet’ Folder is lost and the applications are moved to the ‘My
Own’ folder.
- (Pull) is now enabled in most variants
- Music Player fails to play .M4A HE-AAC file
- bass boost in equaliser
- Improved sniff mode
- fixes audio problems with BT headsets and carkits
- Update UA Header for PR2.1
- Browser rendering and wrapping correction for Chinese characters
- Symbian Calendar Interim API does not accept Microsoft’s
Recurrence IDs
- Improvements in mains frequency compensation in video mode
- Burst mode can take different jpeg quality
- Audio/video missync in recorded video
- Update Noise filter to improve low light handling in still images
- Voice tag issue with phonebook when adding new contacts
- Phone cannot find other network if you have actived PDP context
- Correction for miss-read of ASIC version causing pink display
- Camera forward compatibility fix for FOTA update
- Sync agent forward compatibility fix for FOTA update
- UI notifications updated for APAC region
- Change low disk warning to 2.6mb and critical threshold to 600k.
- Gallery crash with slide show and invalid objects
- Add new Internet folder icons
- Character conversion methods work incorrectly with some Chinese
Memory card
- Error when encountering an unknown media with a password
- Cannot boot up with 2GB miniSD which formatted FAT 16 by PC
- Potential crash when re-connecting to POP3 mailbox
- SMS sending delay
- Potential crash when using always online with IMAP mailbox
- Indication of the length of the MNC on a SIM - Requirement based on
EarlyIMS with a SIM reads IMSI from SIM but builds the private identity
with wrong domain
- Refresh notification is not received when EF-subscribed-LAC/CI is
updated on the SIM
- Homezone indication must not be shown during 3G PS
connection/download is active
- Operator naming list updated to version 89
- Call diverts not correctly shown for line1 line2 subscription
- Audio Streaming problem in UAE
- The SIM Server’s fe tch control is reset when a refresh is executed
- Change default date to 1st Sept 06
Video Sharing
- Change Video Sharing SIP profile default setting. (See important
notes on Video Sharing at the start of this document)
- Fixes Turning Home network content sharing off forces WLAN
- Fix for UPnP localisation missing strings
- Offline WLAN notification fix
- Registration attempt in weak WLAN fails but WLAN stays up
Прошивка для Nokia 3250 v.3.21
Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 3.18 to version 3.21:

- Messaging
- Handling of mailbox improved when the content is moved to MMC
- Handling of multiple received pages improved
- USSD string handling improved
- Browser
- Music and video content handling improved
- Bookmark handling improved for Kimono browser
- Capital city list updated (in 1st time start up)
- Field ordering improved in phonebook
- Handling of EGPRS streaming improved
- Midlet icon handling improved, when application are used from memory card
- Handling of Bluetooth headset improved
- Handling of DRM file improved
- Operator list updated
Прошивка для Nokia 3250 v.3.21
Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 3.18 to version 3.21:

- Messaging
- Handling of mailbox improved when the content is moved to MMC
- Handling of multiple received pages improved
- USSD string handling improved
- Browser
- Music and video content handling improved
- Bookmark handling improved for Kimono browser
- Capital city list updated (in 1st time start up)
- Field ordering improved in phonebook
- Handling of EGPRS streaming improved
- Midlet icon handling improved, when application are used from memory card
- Handling of Bluetooth headset improved
- Handling of DRM file improved
- Operator list updated
Nokia N70 :: RM-84 MCU SW
v 2.0536.0.2 to 3.0546.2.3

Nokia has released a new firmware version for Nokia N70.
This release should improve the Nokia N70 performance as well as fixing known bugs and problems from previous versions.
Read more in short the bulletin of the changes issued from Nokia.

Changes/improvements from
MCU SW v 2.0536.0.2 to 3.0546.2.3:


* Audio routing corrected for HS-4W , HS-26W & HS-11W headsets & HS-6W Car HF
* Audio distortion when connected to HS-4W & HS-11W has been corrected
* Pairing problem with Nokia 770 corrected
* PC Suite correctly identifies bluetooth name in phone after restoring backup

Camera (Still / Video Capture)

# Correction made to enable “Easy share” after image capture
# Erroneous memory full note removed after starting video capture
# Video capture quality menu: improved scrolling speed
# Sequence mode capture reliability improvements
# Reliability improvement to image sending via Bluetooth
# Option to reset user scenes now works
# Video recording audio quality in Night mode improved
# Minor video encoder improvements for colour capture
# Multimedia Key
# No longer disables security lock under certain conditions


* If system loading prevents user defined ringtone play then fall back now implemented to play backup ringtone
* Improvements to contact name matching with SIND
* Improvements to SIND performance following resynchronisation of contacts via Bluetooth from PC Suite
* Improvements to AAC decoding


* www.nokia.com no longer crashes browser application
* Browser no longer crashes when ROP closed when a streaming link is set on the homepage
* WAP push messages can now be deleted by using the C key
* Audio/MPEG MIME type now recognized for downloaded music +

Media Gallery

* Slideshow no longer stops if selected items include DRM expired images or animated GIFs
* Improved Chinese file name handling in Gallery


* Improved reliability of reconnection to users mailbox
* Improvement in handling malformed email headers


* Fix to allow viewing of SIM stored messages on certain SIM card types
* Reset fixed with Ukrainen SIM
* Improved handling of StarHub & T-Mobile SIM cards

Cellular Signalling

* Location update improvements in 2G on Ericsson Infrastructure
* USSD alerting enabled


* SD download improvements

Image printing

* Opening an image which is already opened in another application no longer crashes the phone
* Improved handling of large (several MBytes) images


* Improvement in termination of RTVS session if MT caller session ended by 2G reselection
* Pause /resume usability improvements on video playback
* Idle screen draws correctly after video streaming ended
* Video Editor crash resolved when canceling MP4 conversion for MMS sending
* APAC variants: input method follows language selection previously input method remained in Arabic
* Phone reset when alarm activated during playing of Snakes game is now fixed
* Improvement such that following aborted USB reflash attempt, phone can be recovered by flashing via FPS-10
* General Binary compatibility improvements
* Handling of accented characters in filenames now more robust, especially seen in Movie Director application
* Visual content handling improvements in Visual Radio Application
* Message sending to multiple recipients now no longer shows corrupted UI
* Improvements to Data transfer application


Changes/improvements made from MCU SW
v 3.0546.2.3 to 5.0609.2.0.1:

- User Interface
- Sensitivity of Brightness Modification in Image Editor increased
- Flash lite support in Media Gallery reintroduced
- Speed of Returning from sequence post-capture view with many
images increased
- Active Standby icon for e-mail correctly aligned
- Autolock/Anykey relationship realigned
- Night mode icon modified
- PIN code request sequence set correctly. Sleep mode behavior now
- Camera- Camera StartUp time improved
- Camera behavior in relation to “keypad lock” improved
- Switching to secondary camera in video mode when burst is enabled:
Sequencing improved.
- Sequence capture behavioral improvements when application closes
- Closing Left Navi Key no longer adversely affects saving sequence
- Long sequence capture retains images
- Error note handling improved
- Gallery- Inserting MMC will not close Gallery
- When adding thumbnails from folder - images now shown
- Added Image resolution is correctly aligned
- Slide show with music. Improvements in audio level settings and call
handling behavior
- Image counter updated when memory card is replaced
- Music Player allows battery low warnings to be displayed
- JPEG decoding improved
- Applications
- Notepad now opens large text files
- Creating audio-only clip in high quality mode (MP4) allowed
- MMS postcard name entering improved
- Access point configurator application and database improvements
- Chinese language FM radio: Selecting profile sequence corrected
- View certificate details for DRM content displayed correctly
- Opening OMA DRM protected audio/mp3 files in Browser facilitated
- Handset stability improved when using SAT menu originated SMS
- 'Memory card not available' note disappears when appropriate after
closing embedded app
- Messaging
- When search label is used for selecting the attachment to MMS, correct
sequence takes place
- Wrongly formatted SIP addresses no longer cause handset to freeze.
- Bluetooth
- Reliability of Bluetooth connectivity improved
- Audio quality of voice command with BT headsets improved
- Video Sharing/Streaming
- VS Cancel sequence correctly aligned
- Real player closing sequence after ISHO realigned
- “Video Sharing" prompts now appear when appropriate
- Call Processing
- Correct response to MO when MT ignores an invite in place.
- Emergency number update according to regulations
- Alternative “Ringtone” issue resolved
- Simultaneous Video call and SMS receipt prompts correct ring tones.
- Cellular Signaling
- Video telephony Inter Operability optimized
- RSSI measurements in 2G re-evaluated
- Radio- Performance has been maximized by improving the 2G > 3G
reselection algorithm


Nokia N70 Changes/improvements
made from MCU SW v5.0609.2.0.1 to v5.0616.2.0.3:

- Device no longer reboots after entering PIN code with a small number of USIM cards
- It is now possible to send an MMS with video or audio content
- The input method indicator 'Pinyin' and 'Bihui' shows correctly

Music player:
- Rolf PR2 Localisation problem in Music Player ("A Processar" issue) fixed
- Rolf Music Player “save” query localisation fixed
- Music player crash with incorrect ID3 tag date information fixed

For Telefonica:
- When receiving a call during a music download, the music no longer plays incorrectly

For Orange
- Possibility to enable OHS for Orange variant fixed

For O2
- SAT refresh - voice call coordination in place
- Old HomeZone information displayed correctly
- HomeZone text appears after Active Idle is turned on
- HomeZone & CityZone texts are now animated correctly
- HomeZone icon disappears at appropriate times
- SAT refresh comes through during voice call correctly
- "App. closed Standby mode" issue is fixed
- O2 music application download functionality fixed

For T-Mobile
- SATUI Active Idle plug-in is shown in Active Idle correctly
- Enabling messaging active idle plug-in after using NBC with active idle behaves successfully
- Active idle displays correctly formatted Ai controls when the user has a large amount of PIM data.


Nokia N70 New features in MCU SW 5.0638.3.0.1:

- Support for the AD-41 has been added in 5.0638.3.0.1. AD-41 provides remote control for Music Player and Radio functions. Note: the functionality of AD-41 with N70 is not identical to that of other products as the Music Player is different. (e.g. N73).
- In the Music Player main menu, the stop, next/ffwd, back/rwd keys have no response when a track is playing.
- In the Music Player sub menus, the play, stop, next/ffwd, back/rwd and volume keys have no response while a track is playing.
- In the Active Standby UI (i.e. when music is playing in the background), the volume control graphic is not updated when track volume changes are made using the AD-41 volume keys.
- AD-41 also has an integrated mic and provides call handling controls; accept incoming call, end call, voice dialling using SIND feature and in call volume control.
- New themes have been introduced with a new default theme for the Music Edition.
- In the Music Edition, the Music Access Key replaces the Multimedia Key (sometime called the operator key). This is not user configurable and locked to always give instant access to the Music Player application with a short press. A long press gives instant access to the Visual Radio application.
Changes/improvements made from

MCU SW vv5.0609.2.0.1 to v5.0638.3.0.1

- Week 19 of the Access Point Configurator (APC) is included in this build
- Bluetooth connectivity: N616 carkit IOP improvements.
- radio & musicplayer use theme background
- gallery is faster
- Yahoo search included
- operator Oscar CZ now named Vodafone CZ
- restart via 3rd party apps no longer possible
- Flashlight app isn't working anymore
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